Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Horse Racing Game

Yes this is a home made version of the horse racing game.  Vermont pine board from my friends Brian and Deb Clough.
The horse are cake decorations painted up to be wonderful gaming miniatures.


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  3. Dear Kenneth, I'd like to have a game very similar to this. Can you help me please? I use it for my work with children. I am looking for someone who can produce 4-5 games like this (to start with), but a little different board (only slightly). Do you think you can help?

  4. Thank you, Kenneth, for your reply and willingness to help. I have just realised that you live in the USA? I live in the UK. This will make things a little more difficult :-) paying for postage etc... and still. Perhaps we can still discuss? I cannot find on this blog any way how to contact you other than by posting on the blog. Any chance I can email you? And if so, how? Is there any other way but typing email address here (hence risking to get lots of spam after LOL)? I am new to blogging... Thank you again for your help. :-)

  5. My contact information is kenneth underscore vanpelt at com cast dot net.
    Write it as it is said aloud and you'll get my email.


    This game is readily available on line. I had a friend make mine because we play it at an annual gathering.

  7. Horse Game just love it.This is amazing.Thank you for sharing this homemade version of game.
