Showing posts with label Six by Six. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Six by Six. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Recruits Convention 2017

The annual Recruits convention in Lee's Summit, Missouri was a wonderful time.  I went as a player this time around and had a great time getting in some wonderful gaming time with old friends and new acquaintances.
I have played in this GM's French and Indian war game before and I always relish the chance to push around some 54mm lead figures from Jenkin's collectibles.  I played as a militia commander and was tasked with defending a small settlement from attacking Indians.

He would not live to see the next day....

That's me with the pistol.  A gallant figure and he fought bravely in the game.

The "settlement."

This time I sat astride a destrier and fought in a medieval knight melee.

Again I died valiantly and not necessarily all that epic.

Great 90mm game.

And then I drove around in a bad-ass Dodge with a machinegun mounted on the hood.

Had an epic flaming fireball of a death in this one.

Bought some old football miniatures at the flea market.

All of these and some more for $1.00

Bought a significant piece of electric football history with this acquisition.  This was a private sale that was arranged after a war game acquaintance asked if I would be interested in looking at his game from his childhood.

I was very lucky to acquire this item.  A prized piece in my set collection.

The 1970 Electric Super Bowl.

Chiefs vs. Vikings

Complete, near mint condition.

I played in two DBA tournaments as well but never took any photographs.  I used my ancient British  Book II. 57.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Collecting Toy Soldiers American History Summer Camp

I had a great week at Barstow Summer Camp with a group of kids that I got the opportunity to share the hobby of collecting toy soldiers.
This week long summer camp featured the American Civil War as our topic of discussion and gaming.  I used the BMC civil war plastic 54mm troops to explore the collection aspect of the hobby and to teach the kids to paint miniatures.

We set up a simple map campaign game.  Each student got to be an army commander.  I had 12 students during the week.

The campaign map.  Click to see a larger image.  I have used this map for three summers.

The battle of Quincy Crossing.  An encounter that occurred on the campaign map.

The miniatures started out as unpainted plastic obviously, but we explored the painting part of the hobby.  The students engaged in this at their discretion and some developed an interest in this part of the hobby.

At the end of the week we had a battle royale with all of the commanders take home army on the map.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

DBA Hoplite Battle

Taking a few pictures of my Monday night game group.  We play DBA.  Got to get out my Spartan Hoplites for some action in two games.

About every two weeks we get together for DBA action.  A couple of weeks back we had a bring your army night of gaming.

Got to race around on light horse with a Mongol army.

This is one of my six by six challenges (I made it pretty easy I know but hey.)

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Rome's Conquest of Gaul

Rome's conquest of Gaul. 

Proconsul Julius Caesar marches into the valley of the Rhine. Crossing the Rhine River with three cohorts. It is the year 58 BC. Julius is responding to the possibility of an uprising among the tribes of the Celts. It is rumored that the Viromanduii are dissatisfied with their lands and want expansion. 
They are neutral aggressive versus the Romans. If this unrest is not quelled it will spread to the other tribes. So taking the VIIth VIIIth and IXth cohorts into the valley, Julius Caesar and his Commanders must put down this uprising.

 It is early April in the year 58 BC. The first battle featuring Titus Labienus versus Commius of the Viromanduii is a victory for the Gauls. Rome reels under the defeat.

Commius of the Viromanduii

Titus Labienus, commander of the VII Cohort.  Surveys the lines and orders the skirmishers forward.