Bulldog Enterprise is located in a northern sector of Pridetown and is heavily guarded by the 9th Benjamin Regulars. The Highlander Mercenary Unit that attacked them was paid for using a sizable donation from a retired mechwarrior named Thomas Clearwater.

This view of downtown Pridetown includes portions of the Bulldog campus. 9th Benjamin Regulars can be seen moving into responsive positions to intercept Highlander mechs.

An aerial view taken from the Highlander command vtol.

An urgent looking Goshawk from 2nd Batt. 1st Co. 9th Benjamin crashes through the lush palms on the Bulldog industrial campus to try and halt an encroaching Atlas.

The Highlander force has a toehold in the wasteland and has landed on planet additional forces that have still to be encountered or accounted for...
This attack signals a new and reinforced threat to Kurita control over Proserpina.

Bulldog Red building is being looted by the Highlander infantry. Part of the objective was to secure mech specifications and technical data from the industrial complex.

From top of image to bottom: Blue, Yellow and Green buildings are in view. Each of these buildings was targeted by the rebel army in an attempt to gain valuable technical data for use in the wastelands to refit mechs needed for further success in the fight to free Proserpina.
Combat footage courtesy of PRSPNN